I mean we’ll for sure get along but I’m not a huge fan of getting caught in the rain.
Hi I’m Hannah, I’m a 20 something and a recent graduate of LSU (geaux tigers!). I’ve always loved writing whether it was poetry club, being a writer for various college publications or journaling. I feel that if we can share enough of our experiences and if we help just one person then we’ve done our job.
I’m really excited that you’ve happened upon Mimosas and Lipstick and I hope that we can learn from each other!
A little about me...
I’m originally from River Forest, Illinois, it’s about 15 minutes west of the city of Chicago. My family lives within about a ten block radius of each other so we’re always together. I graduated with a marketing degree and I’m adjusting to adult life in the working world. So far I’m really liking it.
I love: seeing a dog, Trader Joe’s, Taylor Swift, a mean mimosa, a Louisiana Saturday Night, the stair master, bread, La Croix, the Northwoods, and making my grandpa laugh.
I have a lot of hopes and aspirations for Mimosas and Lipstick, but my overall goal is that this can become a space of sharing and healing as well as a place to share fun sales and clothes I find. I hope to share my life and a peek behind the curtain of what it means to be me and I hope that you’ll do the same for me.
I would love if you would subscribe to my weekly blog post so we can keep in touch, and I would enjoy hearing from you. What you like, don’t like, any tips you have!
To new beginnings and new friends. Cheers!